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Youth Policy

Our world is facing increasingly complex issues that seem set to increase in severity as they are faced by future generations. Multiple reports demonstrate that mental health, the climate crisis, cost of living, housing insecurity, economic insecurity and secure employment are all significant concerns for young people today and future generations. The life period from the ages of 12-24 is particularly significant given:

  • It is a critical time for acquiring the emotional and cognitive abilities for independence, completing education and transitioning to employment, civic engagement and forming lifelong relationships 
  • It is a time when identity and sense of self are changing, and when values are formed 
  • It is a time when the foundations for health and well-being are laid down for these parents of tomorrow, thus influencing not only their future health and well-being but also that of the next generation

We will bring a holistic approach to this work to improve outcomes for Newcastle’s youth.  


The Newcastle Greens will work with the community, the Youth Council Committee and across all levels of Government to:
  • Ensure the provision of a fully funded and staffed youth space in the Newcastle LGA
  • Ensure these centres space/spaces offer mentoring opportunities that provide for cultural and broader diversity 
  • Support existing council premises to become more youth-friendly
  • Maximise the potential for all public-facing council premises to be touch points for relevant services such as mental health support or out-of-home support
  • Work with the library team to establish homework/study clubs for ages 12 and over
  • Investigate the potential of council staff dedicated to youth services
  • Ensure there is a significant range of funding opportunities for youth, particularly youth visual and creative arts
  • Work with stakeholders such as the Department of Communities and Justice to support the expansion of programs that focus on rehabilitation for youth in a non-criminal context
  • Ensure a robust review of the Youth Council Committee charter at the beginning of each council term as per the charter itself
  • Work with council staff to offer suitable work experience placements at CoN
  • Establish a CoN commitment to intergenerational equity


Adopted July 2024


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