Lynda-June Coe has been preselected as third on the ticket for the NSW Upper House in the state election in March 2023, and she'll be visiting Newcastle on Saturday 19th of November.
During the campaign we will be doing everything we can in Newcastle to elect our Greens candidates for the Upper House, leading with Cate Faehrmann, Amanda Cohn and Lynda-June Coe.
Lynda-June is a proud Wiradjuri and Badu woman from Erambie, Cowra. She's a former secondary school teacher, sessional academic and works part time as the Family Wellbeing and Campaign Manager at the Dhadjowa Foundation, supporting First Nations families who have been impacted by deaths in custody. You can read more about Lynda-June here.
We hope you can join us for a Q&A session with Lynda-June from 5.30 till 6.30pm in the foyer of the Great Northern Hotel, and then for dinner in the restaurant afterwards at 6.30pm