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Third Carrington Doorknock

Join us for our third doorknock in Carrington!

Sunday 15th January from 10am until 1pm

Meet at the front entrance of the Carrington Bowling Club, 1C Cowper Street, Carrington NSW 2294


10am- 10.30- Briefing

10.30am- 12:30pm- Door knocking in Carrington

12:00-1:00pm- Return to Carrington Bowling Club for a report back and debrief


Anyone new to door knocking will be paired with someone experienced.

You're welcome to just watch someone else do all the talking if you don't feel ready to have the conversations.



January 15, 2023 at 10:00am - 1pm
Carrington Bowling Club
1C Cowper St
Carrington, NSW 2294
Google map and directions
Thomas Levick · · 0458 060 050
Lucy Donoghue Sinéad Francis-Coan Edward Merovitch Lizzie Manning

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