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505 Minmi Road

505 Minmi Road, Fletcher

Protecting our remaining bushland is critical for wildlife and for future generations.

Despite Newcastle Council rejecting previous proposals to rezone this land, the state government has now directed council to put this rezoning proposal on public exhibition.

It’s extremely important that we respond in overwhelming numbers to reject this.

Another western suburb like Fletcher or Maryland will not provide much needed social or affordable housing.

Instead, it will continue the mistakes of badly planned urban sprawl, without sufficient transport infrastructure, public transport, urban forest or access to community services.


The Greens support carefully designed densification in Newcastle’s urban suburbs, to create affordable new homes close to jobs, services and transport.


Make your submission before the 21st May, it only needs to be very brief!

Some suggestions for you to include:

  • Oppose the planning proposal to rezone the land from C4 environmental living to R2 low density.
  • Oppose the change of lot size from 40 hectares to 300m2 and 450m2 in the residential area.
  • Oppose the area being marked as an urban release area.
  • Support adding 505 Minmi Road, Fletcher to the Blue Gum Hills Regional Park.
  • Support protecting the remaining forested areas of the Newcastle Local Government Area.
  • Support the increase of homes through carefully planned urban densification, not through continued deforestation as a result of this rezoning.

Will you sign?

Tell the NSW Planning Minister-  Paul Scully, that you want 505 Minmi Road protected as part of the Blue Gum Hills Regional Park.

Click on the 'Add My Name' button below.

THEN make a submission on the Newcastle Council website here.

Submissions Close on the 21st of May, 2024

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