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Adamstown, Hamilton, Broadmeadow Renewal Corridor Plans

Newcastle Council is currently exhibiting the draft Development Control Plan (DCP) for
‘renewal corridors’ in Adamstown (along Brunker and Glebe Roads), Broadmeadow (9-ways
and railway station), and Hamilton (Tudor Street).

The plans provide detailed development guidelines for continuation of the medium-density residential and commercial development
that is already underway.

Submissions on the DCP are open to the public and close on December 4.

As a resident in or near one of these corridors we are inviting you to a discussion and
workshop to discuss local planning and development issues and identify concerns to be
included in a Newcastle Greens submission or your submission to Council.

Adamstown Uniting Church – Barnes Meeting Room
Saturday November 26 from 1.30 – 3.30 pm

I will be hosting the afternoon and, along with John Mackenzie, our candidate for Newcastle
in next year’s State election, we will be;

  • Providing some background on the renewal corridors and the draft DCP in Ward 2


  • Giving a brief overview of new plans for the area that include 7,000 new residents at
    Broadmeadow ‘Hunter Park’ and the development of the Broadmeadow railway


  •  Discussing your experiences, concerns and hopes for the renewal corridors and their
    impact on the future of your neighbourhood


  • Noting specific issues with the draft DCP for inclusion in the Newcastle Greens
    submission or your personal submission to Council


If you would like to have a look at the document before arrival, it's on Council's website here

November 26, 2022 at 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Adamstown Uniting Church
228 Brunker Rd
Adamstown, NSW 2289
Google map and directions
Charlotte McCabe · · 421728780

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