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Your Councillors


Hi I’m John, your local Greens Councillor for Ward 1

I'm a social scientist and I have been a Newcastle City Councillor since 2017. On Council, I have championed community participation in decision-making and smart urban planning that supports Newcastle's transition to climate resilience. I am the proud father of two young Novocastrians. You can learn more about me here.

...and I’m Charlotte, your local Greens Councillor for Ward 2

As a councillor, I’ve had the opportunity to work with our community on local issues such as cycleways infrastructure, local economy, coastal management, urban planning, emissions reduction and more. I’m an educator and community organiser, which allows me to bring these skills into my councillor role to build a stronger, more transparent and accountable democracy. You can learn more about me here.

About John

Hi I’m John, your local Greens Councillor for Ward 1

I'm a social scientist and I have been a Newcastle City Councillor since 2017. On Council, I have championed community participation in decision-making and smart urban planning that supports Newcastle's transition to climate resilience. I am the proud father of two young Novocastrians. You can learn more about me here.

About Charlotte

...and I’m Charlotte, your local Greens Councillor for Ward 2

As a councillor, I’ve had the opportunity to work with our community on local issues such as cycleways infrastructure, local economy, coastal management, urban planning, emissions reduction and more. I’m an educator and community organiser, which allows me to bring these skills into my councillor role to build a stronger, more transparent and accountable democracy. You can learn more about me here.


Movement Sponsors

Our movement is sponsored by you

We put community values first - because we are funded by the community. It’s critical that we elect a progressive council, and that’s why we need to start building our fighting fund now, to build our best local government campaign yet.

Will you donate to our campaign fund so we can hit the ground running for the 2024 Local Council Election in September?

Movement Sponsors

Our Policies

Safe & Secure Housing

Everyone deserves a safe and secure home. Our plan will introduce a rent freeze to get rents back under control, and undertake a massive investment in affordable housing. The plan will give security to renters by ending no-ground evictions and create a requirement for at least 30% of all dwellings in NSW to be social housing.

Public Transport

Privatisation has only hurt our bus, ferry, and light rail network. We plan to put our public transport back into public hands. Our plan will also add new ferry stops at Newcastle Interchange and North Stockton, and upgrade the Newcastle-Sydney train to provide a 90-minute journey.


The Newcastle Greens are calling for shark nets to be replaced with modern technologies such a drone surveillance & smart drumlines at all of our six patrolled beaches. These 'curtains of death' mostly catch and kill non-target endangered species such as dolphins, stingrays, turtles and species of sharks that pose no danger to humans.

Green Industry

Coal and gas are the leading causes of climate change. Our plan phases out coal and gas by 2030 and offers a Job-for-Job Guarantee for affected workers. We will establish community-led local, state and federal transition authority authorities and a TAFE centre of excellence to support the skills needed for a prosperous future.

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The Greens are proud to be powered by people, not big corporations. All of our big wins have been led by people like you who stepped up to make a difference
Will you join us and help turn Newcastle Green?
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